What is Social-Impact Work?

A diverse group of people at a construction site

It depends on whom you ask! For the purposes of this blog and my career coaching practice, my definition of social-impact work is simple and broad: any work with a primary goal of contributing to the social good.

On LinkedIn, the hashtag #socialimpactjobs usually leads to tips on positions in environmental justice, human rights, or poverty reduction. My definition also includes youth development and human services, two fields in which I've worked extensively. And of course, I believe that health, education, anti-racism, gun reform, reproductive freedom, and pro-democracy efforts are absolutely critical to the social good, too.

My politics are liberal, so I consider careers in progressive politics to be social-impact work. And as a former arts executive, I know that the arts have a tremendous social impact, addressing everything from aging to transportation, so you'll find that I discuss careers in music, theater, ceramics, and more.

Social-impact jobs can be found, of course, in the nonprofit sector, but also in the private sector. B Corps and socially-responsible businesses have never been more prevalent. Self-employment of a certain kind also provides a way to make change.

All of this is to say that if you want to make a difference, either as a paid employee, entrepreneur,  or volunteer, you're in the right place!


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